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The trust Ioca Arma Nostra (Ioca Arma Nostra) started on 16 February 2018. The trust is registered with the County administrative board in Stockholm (Länsstyrelsen i Stockholm). Ioca Arma Nostra is Latin and means humour is our weapon freely translated into English.


The founders of Ioca Arma Nostra are Björn Bringes and Katre Saard, also founders of Alpcot AB. The founders are firmly convinced that we can achieve better results by using humour in raising funds for charity, it should be a joy to give money and support charity. It seems to be a paradox that by using humour, we can mitigate human tragedies around the world. A particularly vulnerable group by natural disasters, conflicts and wars is children. At the same time, children should have their whole lives ahead of themselves to realise their dreams. Therefore, we have decided that Ioca Arma Nostra should support children in various parts of the world. We will select more specific groups of children each year and concrete projects for Ioca Arma Nostra to support.


In Ioca Arma Nostra’s first operational year (2018 and 2019) we have decided to support Ukrainian children who have been forced to flee the war-torn Eastern parts of Ukraine and from Crimea. There are hundreds of thousands of children who have been forced to flee the war and who live under very difficult conditions in other parts of Ukraine today. The Ukrainian state has limited resources to support all internally displaced children. Exactly in these kind of situations, private initiatives are of particular importance.


Alpcot is an entrepreneurial organisation and Alpcot AB is the manager of Ioca Arma Nostra. Many staff within Alpcot have previously worked with Eastern Europe and Ukraine. We have an extensive network of professionals in Ukraine and we will ensure that the Ioca Arma Nostra’s raised funds will be used to achieve the maximum effect to improve the situations for children in Ukraine. Alpcot will be transparent in relation to how Ioca Arma Nostra’s funds will be used and we will regularly visit the projects we are supporting.

Ioca Arma Nostra insamlingsstiftelse

C/o Alpcot AB

Kontaktperson: Björn Bringes

Grev Turegatan 18

114 46 Stockholm

Telefon: 010-455 05 00

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